home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * This library is mainly intended to demonstrate how to program a sub
- * library.
- */
- #include <xpk/xpksub.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <pragma/exec_lib.h>
- #define SDI_TO_ANSI
- #include "SDI_ASM_STD_protos.h"
- #define SCANBUFLEN 32768
- /*
- * Pack a chunk
- */
- struct NukeData {
- APTR inbuf;
- APTR outbuf;
- APTR last;
- APTR next;
- ULONG cwri;
- ULONG uwri;
- ULONG uend;
- ULONG delpos;
- UWORD ulen;
- UWORD clen;
- UWORD ustop;
- UWORD ustart;
- UWORD ucount;
- UWORD scanrange;
- UWORD room1;
- UWORD room2;
- UWORD room4;
- UWORD roomN;
- UWORD data1;
- UWORD data2;
- ULONG data4;
- ULONG dataN;
- ULONG dest1;
- ULONG dest2;
- ULONG dest4;
- ULONG destN;
- ULONG dummy;
- ULONG contbuf;
- ULONG flags;
- };
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- LONG __asm AsmPack (register __a4 struct NukeData *ND);
- STRPTR __asm AsmUnpack(register __a1 STRPTR wread, register __a4 STRPTR bread,
- register __a0 STRPTR dst, register __a2 STRPTR end);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #define PACKMEM (65536+SCANBUFLEN)*sizeof(UWORD)+sizeof(struct NukeData)
- static struct XpkMode NukeMode = {
- NULL, // Next mode
- 100, // Handles up to
- XPKMF_A3000SPEED, // Flags
- PACKMEM, // Packing memory
- 0, // Unpacking memory
- 36, // Packing speed
- 630, // Unpacking speed
- 454, // Compression ratio
- 0, // Reserved
- "normal", // Description
- };
- static struct XpkInfo NukeInfo = {
- 1, /* info version */
- 1, /* lib version */
- 0, /* master vers */
- 1, /* ModesVersion */
- "NUKE" , /* short name */
- "Nuke", /* long name */
- "A relatively efficient packer that unpacks very quickly", /* Description */
- 0x4E554B45, /* 'NUKE', 4 letter ID */
- XPKIF_PK_CHUNK | /* flags */
- 30000, /* max in chunk */
- 10, /* min in chunk */
- 30000, /* def in chunk */
- "Nuking", /* pk message */
- "Unnuking", /* up message */
- "Nuked", /* pk past msg */
- "Unnuked", /* up past msg */
- 50, /* DefMode */
- 0, /* Pad */
- &NukeMode, /* ModeDesc */
- 0, /* MinModeDesc */
- 0, /* MaxModeDesc */
- {0} /* reserved */
- };
- /*
- * Returns an info structure about our packer
- */
- struct XpkInfo * __asm XpksPackerInfo(void)
- {
- return &NukeInfo;
- }
- #define LASTSIZE (65536*sizeof(UWORD))
- void __asm XpksPackFree(register __a0 struct XpkSubParams *xpar)
- {
- struct NukeData *ND=(struct NukeData *)xpar->xsp_Sub[0];
- if(ND)
- {
- if(ND->last) FreeMem(ND->last, LASTSIZE);
- if(ND->next) FreeMem(ND->next, NEXTSIZE);
- FreeMem(ND, sizeof(struct NukeData));
- xpar->xsp_Sub[0] = 0;
- }
- }
- struct NukeData *alloctabs(struct XpkSubParams *xpar)
- {
- struct NukeData *ND;
- if((xpar->xsp_Sub[0] = (LONG) (ND = (struct NukeData *) AllocMem(sizeof(struct NukeData),MEMF_CLEAR))) &&
- (ND->last = AllocMem(LASTSIZE,0)) &&
- (ND->next = AllocMem(NEXTSIZE,0)))
- return ND;
- else
- {
- XpksPackFree(xpar);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- LONG __asm XpksPackChunk(register __a0 struct XpkSubParams *xpar)
- {
- struct NukeData *ND = (struct NukeData *)xpar->xsp_Sub[0];
- if(!ND)
- if(!(ND=alloctabs(xpar)))
- return XPKERR_NOMEM;
- ND->inbuf = xpar->xsp_InBuf;
- ND->outbuf= xpar->xsp_OutBuf;
- ND->ulen = xpar->xsp_InLen;
- ND->clen = xpar->xsp_OutBufLen-4;
- memset(ND->last,0,LASTSIZE);
- memset(ND->next,0,NEXTSIZE);
- if(((LONG)(xpar->xsp_OutLen = AsmPack(ND)))<0 || xpar->xsp_OutLen>xpar->xsp_InLen)
- return 0;
- }
- LONG __asm XpksUnpackChunk(register __a0 struct XpkSubParams *xpar)
- {
- // APTR end;
- // end=
- AsmUnpack(xpar->xsp_InBuf, (STRPTR)xpar->xsp_InBuf + xpar->xsp_InLen,
- xpar->xsp_OutBuf, (STRPTR)xpar->xsp_OutBuf + xpar->xsp_OutLen);
- // if( xpar->xsp_OutBuf+xpar->xsp_OutLen != end )
- return 0;
- }